7. november
Tovarna Rog
Trubarjeva 72, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Prvo soboto v novembru bomo SISTAZ iz društva GOR priredile že drugi SISTAZ' JAM. Začelo se bo že zgodaj popoldne v SISTAZ placu (3. nadstropje v Rogu) z različnimi plesnimi delavnicami, zvečer pa se bo naša karavana preselila na AFTERPARTY v Skatepark. Cel dan se bo plesalo, pilo, jedlo in uživalo, za vrtenje glasbe na after-ju pa bodo letos zadolžene samo ženske DJ-ke, ki jih bomo razkrivale počasi :)
Pridte ga JAMat z nami in občutite tisti taprav 'gremo saaaaam' še GOR' feeling ;)
On the first Saturday of November the SISTAZ of the GOR association will host SISTAZ' JAM, second edition. It will start in the early afternoon in SISTAZ place (3rd floor of the abandoned bicycle factory Rog) with different dance workshops. In the evening, the caravan will move to the AFTERPARTY, which will be held in Rog's Skatepark. There will be dancing, drinking, eating and general good time throughout the day, and only women DJs will be responsible for spinning funky beats at the afterparty - we will reveal them in good time :)
Come JAM with us and feel the real 'we're going oooooooonly UP' feeling ;)