Na kolesa ne bomo zlezli le v protest politikam sedanje vlade in njenim plenilskim praksam. Še bolj bomo poganjali pedala zaradi vse slabših pogojev življenja, za katere so krive politične in gospodarske elite, desne in "leve", ki so vseskozi sprejemale odločitve in zakone po neoliberalnem kapitalističnem vzoru in nam to prodajale kot višek demokracije.

The 8th Futrological Symposium "Reframing Environmentalism", organized by the FCSA, begins tomorrow in Amsterdam. The purpose of the event is to connect autonomous spaces and cultural centers across Europe and the world, and will also discuss topics such as hybrid spaces, space and time, and recentralization. The event will also feature AT Rog, on Saturday 14.9. at 16:00.

Danes se bo AT Rog predstavila na dogodku Sisterhood. Sociokulturelle Zentren in Europa v hamburškem Gaengeviertel ob njihovi 10. obletnici.

Gaengeviertel je pred kratkim podpisala pogodbo z mestom Hamburg, ki jim omogoča obstoj in delovanje za nadaljnjih 75 let.

Casa Africa is faced with another threat of eviction on 2nd of April. Three months ago the compañeros from the squat together with solidarity collectives and activists from the neighborhood and around the city managed to resist the first threat of eviction. We who live in squat Casa Africa and the assembly Suport a Casa Africa are convinced that we can resist and stop the eviction again – for this reason, we call for a manifestation of solidarity and strengthening our bonds, staking our bodies against racism and institutional violence.

Ljubljana je na prelomnici. Odločiti se moramo, ali bo naše mesto nakupovalni center, namenjen premožnim obiskovalcem, investitorjem in turistom, ali bo to mesto, v katerem bomo lahko dostojno živeli vsi - ne glede na socialni položaj in ekonomski položaj. Za nami je skoraj desetletje investicij in intenzivne obnove, ki sta centru prinesla lepe fasade, dodatne mostove in številne lokale. Ob vsem blišču pa je izostalo vprašanje, kakšen vpliv ima takšen razvoj na kvaliteto življenja prebivalk in prebivalcev Ljubljane. Danes je očitno, da nas vse več težko pride do stanovanja, da nas visoke cene najemnin izrivajo v podstandardna bivališča na obrobju mesta, da so se razmahnile slabo plačane in prekerne zaposlitve vstoritvenem sektorju, da s(m)o iz mestnih ulic izrinjene vse tiste, ki ne moremo dohajati vsesplošnega višanja cen izdelkov in storitev, in da nova bleščeča podoba mesta sloni na izkoriščanju gradbenih delavcev. Nobenega dvoma ni, da župan dela, vprašanje je le za koga?

Če si želiš živeti v mestu, ki je odprto vsem, se nam pridruži na protestu Lublana je bulana, ki bo v petek, 26. oktobra z začetkom ob 17.00 uri v parku Tabor.



Moč ljudem, ne mestnim šerifom!

Afkors is one of the co-producers of the show FEM TV 4.0, that will happen during Syndicate of Outlandish Identities 2018

on Saturday, September 1st at 22.00 at club Gromka, ACC Metelkova. The show was made in the feminist - queer spirit of the FEM TV collective.

Welcome to the show FEM TV 4.0 and also to other events during the Syndicate of Outlandish identities 2018 during August 28th do September 2nd 2018!

Autonomous Factory Rog in Ljubljana, Slovenia, is supporting the initiative and the fight of zadaistes in this time of general repression happening everywhere around us.

Especially in the context of self-governed, autonomous and alternative spaces. The importance of squats and squatted land initiatives like ZAD lies in enabling cultural and political diversity by constructing the space and environment where it is possible to think about the future of land ownership and food production outside of commodifying and cooptating environment - the state itself.

Today we received the decision of the district court (two attachments in this email) that we still have a property right. This decision can be taken as a victory in a property protection case, at least, at first instance. MOL is very likely to complain. Other procedures (property lawsuit MOL vs Rog) are proceeding.

Hello world

Today at 20:00 we launched the internet site. 
Have a little patience as we are still filling the content of the site.
And don't stay on the internet, come and check us out by foot.

With Rog!

Freedom : Not Slavery to Capital