Third Floor, left side.

Location of the place on map



Studio work (Painting). Skateboarding, drawing, druzenja, občasni dogodki.

  • Progressive fixation and repair of windows.
  • Cleaning of the whole space for studio purposes.
  • Move the mini ramp from brdinje at koroška to 3rd floor and rebuilt it there.
  • Odnašanje smeti ter čisčenje useh smeti.
  • Gallery Dead box.
  • Isolation of one studio (deso; Tatiana).
  • Polaganje laminata.
  • Painting of one white wall for screening purposes.
  • Construction of furniture and working tools.
  • Light installation with rechargeable batteries.
  • Napeljava elektrike po celem ateljeju 10 ki dela na agregat.

An international group of six artists work at Studio 10: Nejc Franetic (Slovenia), Tatiana Kocmur (Slovenia-Argentina), Evgen Čopi (Slovenia), Francisco Tomsich
(Uruguay-Slovenia), Damián Vega (Spain) and Otto Urpelainen (Finland). Activities are all determined by art practices: working process in series of art works, preparation of exhibitions, meetings with curators, visitors, collectors and researchers. There are also skate meetings and music rehearsals. Studios are equipped with tables and chairs for meetings and working, and some musical instruments. The range of productions covers painting, drawing, graphic art, posters, publications, music, inventions, art projects, texts, conversation and art theory, skate sessions

  • Open doors 2013, group exhibition.
  • 2014, opening of the mini ramp.
  • 2015, concert Proper sk8parks the band on the mini ramp.
  • 30. 10. 2015, the premier of an independent short film Sola y Blanco.
  • Dve raztavi nejc franetiča desa u galleriji death box 2014-15.
  • Raztava broken decks 14.3.2015.
  • See below for each artist.

Each member of the group working at Atelje 10 has produced exhibitions and art projects in the last two years which have been produced there or were directly related to the use of ROG space. All of them are working now in new exhibition projects.


  • Solo exhibition Citymals, Gallery UAUU (Ljubljana), april 2015


(1990) je risarski in slikarski samouk.

  • group exhibition in Pumpa, Postojna, 2013
  • cooperation on BL ART festival of independent culture and art scene, Banja Luka, 2013
  • group exhibition in ROG (skatepark), 2014
  • 24. februarja 2016 razstava mimogrede na vegovi ulici v sodelovanju s kino šiško.

S slikanjem in risanjem se ukvarja od leta 2008. Svojo prvo razstavo je pripravil leta 2010 v zapuščenem vaškem domu (»Kutičk«) v domačem kraju Dolenja vas pri Senožečah. Od takrat redno razstavlja na alternativnih prizoriščih v Sloveniji in tujini. Leta 2011 je sodeloval na delavnici lesoreza, suhe igle in sitotiska v Hiši Kulture v Pivki. Istega leta je razstavljal tudi v BLUBB baru v nemškem mestu Kaufbeuren. Leta 2012 je sledila razstava v Mladinskem centru Postojna. Leta 2013 se je udeležil BL-art festivala v Banja Luki ter skupinske razstave v Rogu v Ljubljani. V letu 2014 je postavil samostojno razstavo v Jalli Jalli na Metelkovi, v Hiši mladih v Ajdovščini in v eMCe placu v Velenju, ponovno pa je razstavljal tudi v Rogu v Ljubljani, kjer ima tudi svoj atelje. Leta 2015 se je predstavil s samostojno razstavo v sklopu Cikla mladih ustvarjalcev 2.0 v Kinu Šiška in sodeloval na pregledni skupinski razstavi cikla z naslovom Common Space v Galeriji Kortil na Reki. Predstavil se je tudi na pregledni razstavi V. edicije Bienala neodvisnih v Kinu Šiška. Trenutno razstavlja v Galeriji Alkatraz v Ljubljani skupaj z isnabulskim umetnikom Mustafo- razstava z naslovomD&M Company je na ogled do 26. februarja 2016. Svoje risbe objavlja v domačih in tujih zinih, pojavljajo pa se tudi na naslovnicah cd-jev, na majicah ter kot tatuji. Ustvaril je tudi več stenskih poslikav. Je zaprisežen skejter, sodeloval je tudi pri izgradnji več ramp in skejtparkov.



Francisco Tomsich is an Uruguayan/Slovene artist and author. He was born in 1981 in Uruguay and currently lives and works in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

He has participated in ca. 50 collective exhibitions in South America and Europe, including 52nd, 54th and 56th National Prizes for the Visual Arts from Uruguay (National Museum for the Visual Arts, Montevideo), 7th MERCOSUR Biennial (Porto Alegre, Brazil, 2009) and 1st Montevideo Biennial (2012). His most important solo exhibition projects are the Tempel der Medusa series (Germany-Uruguay-Slovenia, 2014-2015), Loess (Juan Manuel Blanes City Museum, Montevideo, 2010-2011) and Mudanza/Icaria (Ministry of Education and Culture, Montevideo, 2007).

He has founded and integrates numerous artistic associations with visual artists, dancers, choreographers, musicians and writers, including the long-term associative project Los Hombres sin Paz (The Men without Peace, with Ruth Ferrari), a series of projects on music and poetry with the Uruguayan composer Vladimir Guicheff, a book of poetry written together with the writer Horacio Cavallo (Sonetos a dos, Montevideo, Trilce, 2008) and the art group TDUEPURC (Transposed Study for a Common Portrait), a collective author of thirteen exhibitions and six books (La Coronilla, Conchillas, Riozinho, De Corrales a Tranqueras, FUNSA and Tambores) produced between 2008 and 2012. He is also co-editor of the magazine MUSEO, from the Museum of Contemporary Art of Montevideo. All these different projects and works have been awarded in many occasions and supported by institutions and organizations from Uruguay, Brazil and Germany. Solo works and projects from Francisco Tomsich have been awarded several times as well, and in 2012 he won the National Prize for Unpublished Poetry and the Eduardo Víctor Haedo Scholarship for young artists (Ministry of Education and Culture, Uruguay) with a research project on art histories of the 20th century in Eastern Europe. In 2007 he won a Scholarship Prize at the 54th National Prize for the Visual Arts from Uruguay. He is also a co-founder of the art collective Meta City Symptoms/Materialni Pogoji Produkcije based in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

He has published numerous essays on art and literature, literary texts (prose and poetry) and translations in magazines, books, anthologies, digital publications and press media from Uruguay, Israel, Mexico and United States. He has published a book of poetry (El viento, Ediciones del Viento, 2015) and the art book Tempel der Medusa (2015).

The most important reference publications about his works are:

  • Ana Gallardo (et al), Marina de Caro (comp.), Micrópolis experimentais: traduçoes da arte para a educação, Fundação Bienal do Mercosul, Porto Alegre, Brazilijam 2009.
  • Artur Lescher (et al), 7ª Bienal do Mercosul: grito e escuta, Fundação Bienal do Mercosul, Porto Alegre, Brazilija, 2009.
  • Giuria, Paula, “Ruth, Francisco y los hombres sin paz”, za: Cuestiones de Danza (Topics on Dance), National Institute for Stage Arts (INAE), Montevideo, 2015.
  • Grau, María Eugenia, “Diferentes generaciones y lenguajes en el arte contemporáneo”, za Arte en Uruguay Hoy (Umetnost v Urugvaju danes) , Ministrstvo za kulturo, Montevideo, 2012.
  • Peluffo Linari, Gabriel, Artes visuales (Vizualna umetnost), Colección Nuestro Tiempo, Libro de los Bicentenarios. Založba: Comisión del Bicentenario, Montevideo, 2014.



Selected exhibitions and performances (in Slovenia):

  • Fortean phenomena - Installation, Univerzalni Atelje Uličnih Umetnosti, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2015 - Solo exhibition
  • Corporis Animati - Installation/performance, 8. bienala lutkovnih ustvarjalcev Slovenije, Maribor, Slovenia, 2015. - Robot construction and programming.
  • Merilinki čase / Timekeepers - Installation, 31st Ljubljana Biennial of Graphic Arts, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2015. - Electronics.
  • Brain stimulator - Electronically aided performance.
    Presented in:
    1. H2Ö festival, Turku, Finland, 2015 (with
    2. Mfru Kiblix festival, Maribor, Slovenia, 2015.
    3. Generate! festival, Tübingen, Germany, 2015.
  • Utter - Installation/performance, 56th Venice Biennale, Venice, Italy, 2015. - Construction of kinetic and light devices, performances.
  • Crystal C - Installation, Tobačna 001 Cultural Center, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2014. - Scientific advisor, levitation machine construction.



Spanish artist. He has been living and working in Slovenia during last year. His last project is inspired by the urban landscape of Ljubljana. In the last two years, he has been working almost exclusively with graphic art and investigating the generative potential of traditional printing techniques in combination with new technologies.
Setting my place for work in Rog from past year have as a results several opportunities for exhibit my work in Slovenia, a continuous knowledge and information exchange in a community focused on visual arts, and a general improvement in my activity as a visual artist, debt to the possibilities of the space.

Long life to Rog !!

Activity in Atelje 10 (Tovarna Rog):

From 2015, I've using the Atelje 10 as a studio for paint, draw, write and as a printmaking workshop, where I'm preparing material for a Graphic Art project exhibition in UAUU Gallery (Ljubljana). This exhibition will take place on 8 of April. For this project I also use the machines from Roglab, near the factory, and the printmaking studio from [first floor]. I'm developing also other material for other exhibitions planned for the next months in Rog. I've been collaborating in works for improve the place and try to prevent its deterioration.

Recent Activity and Next Projects:

  • November 2016: Solo Exhibition. “Shafts”. Art Nalon Price 2015. Pinacoteca de Langreo, Spain
  • April 2016: Solo Exhibition. UAUU Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  • March 2016: Workshop: “Tàpies: Everyday things turned into art”. Tàpies Graphic Art Retrospective Exhibition. MGLC. Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  • February 2016: Workshop: “From the Bit to the Press: Numerical controlled fabrication applied to graphic art”. Jornadas Grabado y edición de arte. Art School of Oviedo. Asturias, Spain.
  • December 2016: “Shafts” project receive Art Nalón Price on the Graphic Art category. Langreo, Spain.
  • October 2016: “Industrials” explanatory panel is one of the three finalists in Josep Albert Mestre awards. Barcelona, 2015.
  • August, September, December 2016: Technical assistance. Installation of the exhibitions of the 31st BIENNIAL OF GRAPHIC ARTS OF LJUBLJANA, curated by Nicola Lee and produced and organized by Mednarodni Grafični Likovni Center (MGLC), The International Centre of Graphic Arts.
  • February 2016: I take part in the collective exhibition “Proyectarte”. Factoria Cultural. Aviles. Spain. (February 2015).
  • January 2016: Selected by Art School of Oviedo for Josep Albert Mestre awards for excellence in plastic arts and design studies. I design the explanatory panel under remote supervision of printmaking department.
  • January-Now 2016: Creating a Graphic Seria of Ljubljana City Landscapes.
    I obtain a license of use of numerical control machines for develop this project:
    “Training in the independent use of RogLab Machinery”.
  • March – June 2015: I Work in the INTERNATIONAL MUSEUM OF GRAPHIC ARTS (MGLC) after I was selected for “FORMA MGLC”, a training program based on the use of new technologies, social media and innovative approaches within cultural institutions.

Before us, the place was used by a unother group of artist. After them it was the pace empty and a homeless guy enter and used the place to sleep. at that moment the place it was dirty an in bad conditions. Then we took the place and started to clean it. After a while the group Transforma started using the place for meetings. Then they moved to Modri kot. And then we start to use it .