Dear people!

The time has come when dark clouds are gathering over Rog again. With the first of June 2019 the judicial protection expired and with it, the temporary certainty of the survival of our oasis in the city center. What Zoki will do, we don’t know.
Let’s remember that three years ago we jointly defended our factory against the deceitful night attack of the mayor and his militia, that we held the occupation, whooped around Rog and Ljubljana, gave a loud NO to the municipal plans of transformation, and made a stand for the potential that autonomous spaces have to offer. We believed that in Rog we could create new ways of living, creating and working, so that we can show alternatives to tender and market logics, and that free thought can prevail over bureaucratic single-mindedness. Did we succeed?
Since 2016, much has changed. They closed Argo, they closed Inde, they closed Sokolc. Autonomous spaces across Slovenia and Europe are being cleared at an alarming rate, and in their place there are polished facades that hide a lack of imagination.
In continued defiance we remain skating, swaying heads to good music, pondering and discussing, creating art, training, performing, reading poetry. Still offering help to those who need it most! Still experimenting with different forms of community and co-management.
Much has changed, much is temporary, but there is no end to this story in our future; we’re not giving in because we believe that such spaces must stand - and remain standing!

So come, contribute, participate, eat, sleep, dance, dream, think, talk and co-determine the future of Rog!

We are still colletcting donations for Rog’s legal expenses of the persecuted individuals!

You can find festival program under the upcoming events.

Every day:

  • coordination meeting at 10 am and 8 pm (Social Center Rog)
  • study room form 10 am till 8 pm (Živko Skvotec)
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