It's a bit big this Rog to go around, isn't it?
Two years and a half after the violent eviction of autonomous factory Rog, the new center for creativity, Center Rog is opening it's doors. join our manifestation on the day of the opening, or support our struggle against gentrification, turistification and for autonomy and space in the city with solidarity actions in your localities
"It's a bit big this Rog to go around, isn't it?"
"This Rog now gives a new image. I guarantee that all the flats here on Trubarjeva have gained 50 percent in value." "...after all, Trubarjeva will also be selling apartments for 5000 euros, because this is now an exclusive location due to the renovation of Rog."
With these words mayor Zoran Janković explained his vision for the city at a recent meeting in the new Center Rog: fancy buildings drive up property prices!
When asked how the housing crisis would be solved, he only said that the market price would fall to "a realistic €3,000/m2" ... except in exclusive locations, of course. In five years, social housing would be arranged for only 10% of the young people who are now on waiting lists. When asked about student housing, he replied that this was a problem for the state to solve and not for him. Student rooms in the Akademski kolegij are giving way to more expensive projects, as are many buildings where people have work spaces. When it comes to the price of real estate, Janković plays an active role, but when it comes to the space needs of ordinary people, the mayor leaves everything to the market and the state.
About the place
This is the website of the Autonomous Factory Rog. It is meant for informing the public about daily events in the Factory, past endeavours and future plans. It provides the overview of the factory and individual subpages of it’s collectives and places. The website also serves the creation of the supporting network for saving Autonomous Factory Rog against the threats of eviction from the municipality of Ljubljana.
Rog is a unique place and complex community with over twenty active collectives and spaces. It is meant for the young and other generations, who wish to create, work, experiment and simply be outside of frameworks of birocracy and profit. Activities are based on voluntary work and accesibility to all.
Where there is will, there is Rog. Let's together keep the factory running.
And see what happens!
The interacitve map enables a thorough and simple overview of the spaces in the Factory Rog.
It also aids in the search of locations of particular spaces and their events.
Due to safety concerns we are cancelling all public events in Rog until further notice. In this time we take care of each other and only do the most neccessary social work.
Boycott Center Rog
Autonomous Factory Rog is no more.
It was destroyed in the early morning hours of January 19, 2021, when masked “security guards” broke into the premises and dragged residents to the streets. Without a bailiff or a legal basis. In the midst of an epidemic when evictions were banned. This was followed by the immediate destruction of buildings, equipment, documentation, books and artwork, while guarded by the police. With batons and tear gas, they drove Rog users away from the entrance when they attempted to save their property and domestic animals from the rubble.
In the following days, the municipal government of Ljubljana (MOL) carried out a propaganda campaign in which they persistently repeated the obvious lie that the factory was empty. In the manner of far-right crusaders, they set themselves to slander their victims, played on prejudices against marginalized groups and framed the community in all kinds of criminal activities.
These actions of the city authorities were never officially recognized and condemned. The deportees did not receive any compensation for the loss of their life's work. Moreover, MOL denied that they ever existed.
The abuses of power and violence were condemned by various collectives, institutions and individuals from civil society, who loudly protested against the autocracy. Now the city authorities want to silence them too.
With a propaganda campaign inviting prominent collectives and representatives of civil society to create a new Rog Center, the city authorities want to show the public the continuity of progressive Rog ideas. As if nothing had happened in the meantime. As if the Rog users weren't still out on the street. It is as if a brutal eviction has vanished and the crime scene is once again a place of progress, democracy and participation.
We can't agree to such an erasure of history.
We can't agree to the process of establishing a new Rog, which is imposed on us from above - by the usurpers of the Autonomous Factory Rog themselves, which is a continuation of the usurpation itself.
Before activities can resume on the premises of the former Autonomous Factory Rog, two processes must take place:
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Na kolesa ne bomo zlezli le v protest politikam sedanje vlade in njenim plenilskim praksam. Še bolj bomo poganjali pedala zaradi vse slabših pogojev življenja, za katere so krive politične in gospodarske elite, desne in "leve", ki so vseskozi sprejemale odločitve in zakone po neoliberalnem kapitalističnem vzoru in nam to prodajale kot višek demokracije.
The 8th Futrological Symposium "Reframing Environmentalism", organized by the FCSA, begins tomorrow in Amsterdam. The purpose of the event is to connect autonomous spaces and cultural centers across Europe and the world, and will also discuss topics such as hybrid spaces, space and time, and recentralization. The event will also feature AT Rog, on Saturday 14.9. at 16:00.
Danes se bo AT Rog predstavila na dogodku Sisterhood. Sociokulturelle Zentren in Europa v hamburškem Gaengeviertel ob njihovi 10. obletnici.
Gaengeviertel je pred kratkim podpisala pogodbo z mestom Hamburg, ki jim omogoča obstoj in delovanje za nadaljnjih 75 let.
Casa Africa is faced with another threat of eviction on 2nd of April. Three months ago the compañeros from the squat together with solidarity collectives and activists from the neighborhood and around the city managed to resist the first threat of eviction. We who live in squat Casa Africa and the assembly Suport a Casa Africa are convinced that we can resist and stop the eviction again – for this reason, we call for a manifestation of solidarity and strengthening our bonds, staking our bodies against racism and institutional violence.
Karaoke so zastavljene s čim manj omejitvami kreativnosti in izražanja. Namenjene so predvsem aktivnim udeležencem, ki pridejo igrat ali pet, čeprav so tudi tisti, ki pridejo samo poslušat in gledat dobrodošli. Eno glavnih pravil je FREESTYLE, kar pomeni, da napake v nastopu niso možne. Ne moreš se zmotiti, tudi če se hočeš?! Spodbujamo nastopajoče, da med nastopom komunicirajo in sodelujejo. Po želji omogočimo nastop solo točk, če se izvajalec ne počuti dobro v družbi ostalih, vseeno pa želi nekaj pokazati. Kvaliteta se giblje od vrhunskih do čist u pizdi. Redno in aktivno se karaok udeležujejo zelo dobri glasbeniki in glasbeni navdušenci zelo različnih glasbenih izhodišč in načinov. Prav tako je oder še vedno odprt tudi za tiste, ki niso zelo izurjeni v igranju ali petju, in tudi ti se dostikrat opogumijo in odločijo za nastop. Čeprav so karaoke največkrat glasbene, to sploh ni nobena omejitev, saj vedno znova k udeležbi spodbujamo tudi izvajalce in ustvarjalce ostalih izraznih načinov. Sodelovali smo že s plesalci, cirkusanti, slikarji, vizualisti, VJi, pesniki, gledališči,...
Izkušnje so nas prisilile k temu, da vzpostavimo dobro kontrolo nad odrom in instrumenti. Zatorej naj vsak, ki hoče aktivno sodelovati, s sabo prinese SVOJE instrumente ali druge potrebščine! Bobnarji, prinesite vsaj palčke! Če instrumenta nimaš, se moraš dogovoriti za uporabo z lastnikom instrumenta, ki ga želiš uporabljati! Izvajaj svoje avtorsko delo!* Na odru naj se nahajajo samo nastopajoči!
Latest public statements
This week we would be celebrating the 15th anniversary of the Rog Autonomous Factory. But since we have nowhere to go, we will celebrate all over the city.
In the last year the pandemic has shown us exactly how damaging and antisocial the politics of neoliberalism implemented both at the state and local level are, as they contribute to the ever increasing distress of the majority of the people. To a handful of decision-makers and their networks however, the crisis proved to be a great opportunity to promote their private interests. After a full year of the corona pandemic it has thus become clear that despite the economic crisis the political and financial establishment have prospered, gained even more power and support of the repressive apparatus in order to stifle protests and popular rebellion.
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