Združene punk sile so 08.06.2018 zažigale za sodne stroške in SC Rog ter Jallo.
CxBxFxIxHxFxLxFxRxE, ki so nam zagodli lanskega marca dan, na grind mini festu. Tokrat jih spremlja novonastali, prav tako britanski, goregrind ansambel, ki so mu mati nadeli ime Somnumaponea.
2/3 SOR+E.K. je štiričlanski prenos zvočnih podatkov, ki so se beležili v času 80ih, ko so skupine: Kuzle, Šund, SOR, ipd., Idrijo vrisale kot prestolnico "PANKA" v zemljevid tedanje Jugoslavije.
United punk forces have performed on 08 of Jun 2018 for legal costs for squat Rog, Social Center Rog and JallaJalla AKC Metelkova.
CxBxFxIxHxFxLxFxRxE have performed last MArch on grind mini fest. This time they visited together with a newborned band, also British goregrind band called Somnumaponea.
2/3 SOR+E.K. is a 4-members transfer of sound information from the 80s when bands like Kuzle, Šund, SOR, ect. were making Idrija a capital of PUNK of what was Jugoslavija at the time.
In Solidarity!